VDC is an Online Collaborative Practice Group
serving clients throughout California.
Expand Your Client Base & Join Us!
- New Members Welcome! Expand your client base. Untrained professionals – including attorneys – may join if trained within their first year of membership. Free membership and mentorship options are available for select students. Our trusted members are capable, compassionate, life-long learners who are generous with their time and skill, and invested in our creating and sustaining a collaborative group with similar values.
- Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging. Unlike any other collaborative group in the state, securing DEIB and related matters were built into VDC’s Bylaws from our inception. Please review our DEIB information and Learning Library on our website.
- Multiple Monthly Client-Contact Opportunities. Monthly (& additional, regular quarterly) Divorce Options®, as well as further, regularly scheduled monthly client-contact webinars. We aim to meaningfully connect our professionals with potential clients and provide clients basic divorce information at no cost.
- Member Support for Client-Focused Webinars. VDC members agree to send even retained clients to our Divorce Options® and “Divorce Doctors” webinars to increase clients’ investment in whichever divorce process they choose, and to receive answers to basic questions at no cost.
- Comprehensive Website. Our website prioritizes direct, front and center marketing for all our client-focused webinars and professionals. VDC’s website also:
- As an adjunct to our webinars, helps fully educate and prepare clients for multiple divorce service options, without countless unpaid consultation hours from professionals.
- Provides extensive No-Cost Resources for professionals and clients.
- Offers Collaborative Trusts & Estates information, a natural adjunct to any complete divorce process.
- Under the “For Professionals” tab, find complete membership information that easily orients new members with bylaws, attestation forms, as well as VDC’s detailed Conflict Management Protocols for professionals/clients, Streamlined Protocols to ensure collaboration is efficient and cost-effective, and a calendar with links to all VDC events and committee meetings.
- VDC Financial Specialists. VDC’s attorney-mediators routinely refer to a VDC Financial Specialist before mediation starts, to increase trust as the couple shares financial information, and before they have a chance to get positional regarding legal concerns. Our financial specialist’s team may include VDC’s collaboratively trained CDLP®-certified Mortgage Brokers, and CDRE®-certified realtors.
- VDC Mental Health Professionals. Clinicians leverage their positions to require all divorce-related clients with children to take 2 specific, research based/informed online Parenting & Co-Parenting courses before beginning any work. These courses save couples money with coaches, set effective behavioral expectations for parents/co-parents and help couples buffer and prioritize their kids’ wellbeing from conflict/tension.
Many VDC members are also members of other collaborative groups, so this needn’t be an obstacle to expanding your client-base statewide! Contact us: WeCare@VirtualDivorceCa.com!